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Kyokusankai will soon celebrate its 8th anniversary this year after starting its activities on May 17, 2014.

Click Logo for Toyamaryu・Kata Instruction*

Click Logo for Toyamaryu・Kumitachi *

Updated !




KYOKUSANKAI is a newly established Dojo in the City of Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan in May 2014  by a few sympathizers who have been longtime trained for Toyamaryu Iai-do and Batto-do. KYOKUSANKAI has been operating as a membership Dojo for everyone who loves Iai-do and Batto-do with Tameshigri.  Since Toyamaryu Iai-Batto Do Renmei (TIBDR) has officially created in July 2016, the main activity is practicing/studying Toyamaryu Iai-do and Zen Nihon Batto Do Renmei's (ZNBDR) activity. KYOKUSANKA, as well as TIBDR and ZNBDR, essentially requires the cutting skill, therefore, each practice would include Tameshigri sessionSince we use Shinken of NIHONTO/Japanese Swords, we would learn correct handling of Japanese swords, correct maintenance methods and the culture/history around the Japanese swords.  


道場開設後間も無い、2014年6月には、​ラトビア、ロシア (シベリア) からの戸山流居合道を学ぶ有志が来日し、数日間連続で戸山流居合道・試斬の集中稽古が行われました。その後7月にはバルセロナ、フィゲラスを中心に活動しているスペイン戸山流の有志 (内、一人はベネズエラから) が道場を訪れ、ここでも4日間、連日五時間を超える集中稽古に取り組みました。2014年12月と2015年2月にもドイツから戸山流居合道及び全日本抜刀道連盟の形、抜刀を学ぶ有志が訪れて、連日の寒さにも拘らずの集中稽古が行われました。2015年5月には台湾、香港からの有志が集中稽古に訪れ、10月にはドイツからの有志と共に再び集中稽古が行われました。2016年1月にはドイツからの有志が寒さの中、再々度の訪問で集中稽古を。2016年2月には旭燦会からドイツ・エムデンを訪問し、数日間に渡って多くの人々と居合・抜刀の修練に励みました。





Soon after the Dojo has opened, on June 2014, Toyamaryu lovers from Latvia and Russia visited here and spent a few days for the intensive practices of Toyamaryu Kata, Kumitachi and Tameshigiri. 

In July 2014, another group of Toyamaryu lovers from Spain, Andora and Venezera have visited the Dojo.

In December 2014, another person from Germany spent a couple of days practicing here. The intensive practice has also conducted a few days during their stay. The practice covered everything including Tameshigiri. 

In early this year, in February 2015, other groups of  Toyamaryu lovers from Germany has spent a few days of concentrated time during the cold weather in Japan. In May 2015, a group from Taiwan and Hong Kong visited the dojo and conducted intensive practice. The Toyamatyu Iaido and Batto lovers from Germany has visited the dojo again in late October 2015 for the intensive practice. The friends from Germany has returned to KYOKUSANKAI Dojo on January 2015 for practice.

In February 2016, KYOKUSANKAI visited Emden・Germany and practiced with many friends for a few days.

In June 2016, ZNBDR Iai/Batto Seminar has conducted at Cala Monyjoi, Spain. This was absolutely an  opportunity to exchange the cultural experiences among us.

KYOKUSANKAI has committed to work and support for the people who love Iai, Batto-do around the world. 

We would continue to work with friends who are in Japan as well as friends outside of Japan. We also very much interested in seeking the further possibility to intermingle with other Style of Iai-do, Batto-do. 

Since Toymaryu Iai-Batto Do Renmei・TIBDR has created on July 2016, we have been receiving several inquiries from overseas Dojos for visiting KYOKUSANKAI and practicing Toyamaryu.



旭燦会  about KYOKUSAN-KAI


Toyamaryu Kata Instructions

戸山流居合道の形(八本)、組太刀の形(六本) そして軍刀操法についての解説書が以下からpdfで閲覧出来ます。



Please click on the Logo to view the instructions for Toyamaryu Kata and Toyamaryu Kumitachi and Gunto-Soho. 

KYOKUSANKAI would continue to practice these to succeed in the soul of Toyamaryu.

Please download these instructions and use them for your daily practice. *Updated




Click Logo for Gunto-Soho Instruction

「日本刀を学ぶ」を新しいページ「Sword 日本刀」に転載し、日本刀の紹介、解説を追加いたしました。2016年4月〜
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