KYOKUSANKAI continues to seek the soul of Iai-do,
supporting Toyamaryu Iai-Batto Do Renmei and Zen Nihon Batto Do Renmei through the activity. updated: October 31st, 2022
現在の戸山流居合道は、陸軍で軍刀操法を指導していた徳冨太三郎、中村泰三郎の両氏が昭和51年, 1976年に「戸山流振興会」を設立し、両氏の指導の下に活動が開始されました。その後、他流派の抜刀術団体との交流を目的として「全日本抜刀道連盟®」が設立されるとともに、「戸山流振興会」の名称変更をする等、国内各地で戸山流居合道の活動が広く浸透して行きました。旭燦会はこの戸山流居合道の流れを組む活動をしております。1977年に現在の「全日本抜刀道連盟」が結成され、連盟制定形を定め、戸山流以外の居合道各流派をも対象とした組織として国内外に普及活動をしています。
2016年7月、「戸山流居合抜刀道連盟 ®」が発足し、旭燦会は更なる活動に向けて邁進いたします。
20170404長嶋神社 |
20170404長嶋神社・桜 |
長嶋神社Oct.2016 |
2015年3月長嶋神社.jpg |
伏見稲荷大社にて |
試斬藁 |
日本刀 1360年頃〜1864年頃 |
日本刀 1360年頃〜1864年頃 |
Toyamaryu Iai-Batto Do Renmei (TIBDR) and Zen Nihon Batto Do Renmei (ZNBDR)
Toyamaryu Iaido is based on the Gunto Soho, a consolidated, improved, and officially adopted katana swordsmanship of the Toyama Military Academy of the Imperial Japanese Army. After World War II, it was referred to as ‘Toyamaryu’ and established as traditional Japanese swordsmanship of Iaido, and it continues to pursue the height of the art and be modified today. Since the process of consolidation, improvement, and establishment of the Gunto Soho took approximately twenty years, from the Taisho period till the end of World War II, and several sword masters from different schools were involved in its development by stages, Toyamaryu is not attributed to a single founder. The Treaty of Peace with Japan (San Francisco Peace Treaty) was signed in 1951 and came into force in 1952. As Japan regained its independence and the martial arts ban was lifted, Morinaga Kiyoshi, the former director of sword fighting at the Toyama Military Academy, Yamaguchi Yuki, Nakamura Taizaburo, and others started to call the swordsmanship based on Gunto Soho ‘Toyamaryu’, disseminating it all over Japan. The present Toyamaryu at KYOKUSANKAI is a part of a flow that was started as ‘Toyamaryu Shinko-kai’, established by Tokutomi Tasaburo and Nakamura Taizaburo who used to teach Gunto Soho in the army. Over the course of time, ‘Toyamaryu Shinko-kai’ was renamed and spread to many organizations carrying Toyamaryu Iaido.
‘Zen-Nihon Batto-Do Renmei(ZNBDR)’ was established in 1977 by the organization sympathizer driving Toyamaryu in order to create a space to intermingle with other Iai-do and Batto-do Ryu-ha.
In July 2016, ‘Toyamaryu Iai-Batto Do Renmei(TIBDR)’ has established. Therefore KYOKUSANKAI would support the new organization and further deploy Toyamaryu activities throughout the world as a new endeavor.
Although KYOKUSANKAI mainly works TIBDR and ZNBDR activities, we have been respecting each of
the ideas/concepts of Iai-do, Batto-do, and its Ryu-ha. Therefore, we would like to create further a relationship with
other Ryu-ha as our essential activities. We would appreciate your further corporation and suggestion.
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Click to TIBDR Home Page
Click to ZNBDR Home Page